The Abortion Pill – Mifegymiso (Mifepristone/Misoprostal) was approved in Canada in July of 2000. The Abortion Pill has been successfully and safely used in Europe since 1988. Abortion with the Abortion Pill – Mifegymiso is an alternative method for ending an early pregnancy up 49 days. Taking the Abortion Pill DOES NOT involve a surgical procedure or sedation. The pill also allows women to have the abortion in the comfort and privacy of their own home. @@@ 0717852514 @@@@@
The way that Mifepristone works is by blocking the hormone progesterone, a hormone naturally needed by the body to maintained an early pregnancy. It causes an early pregnancy to stop growing and detach from the uterine wall. The Abortion Pill works naturally by ending an early pregnancy, similar to an early miscarriage. Another hormone – prostaglandin, has to be taken 2 days after Mifepristone to assure expulsion of the gestational sac. /\/\//\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ 0717852514 /]/]/]/]/]/]]//]/]/]/]
You are required to have an initial visit and a follow up visit by our doctors. The main process occurs in the privacy of your home.
You cannot buy the abortion pill online or through a pharmacy. Only specially trained doctors in abortion care can purchase and dispense Mifegymiso (The Abortion Pill).
Our clinic doctors and nurses are specially trained in abortion care and we have superior knowledge and many years of experience. .].].].].].] 0717852514 /]/]/]/]/]/]/]